世界知识产权组织邀请所有成员国和利益攸关方共同庆祝2025年4月26日世界知识产权日。2025年世界知识产权日活动的主题是:《知识产权与音乐:感受知识产权的节拍》(IP and music: Feel the beat of IP,最终翻译以WIPO中国为准)。
IP and music: Feel the beat of IP
从让我们舞动起来的节奏,到让我们情绪激昂的歌词,音乐丰富了我们生活的方方面面。音乐是一种普遍的创造性表达形式,而知识产权(IP)在支持充满活力和多样化的音乐领域方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。From the rhythms that invite us to dance, to the lyrics that echo our emotions, music enriches every aspect of our lives. Music is a universal form of creative expression and intellectual property (IP) rights play a pivotal role in supporting a vibrant and diverse music landscape.音乐渗透到各个领域,而知识产权则促进音乐超越自身领域。从电影、娱乐和技术,到时尚、电子游戏和消费品,知识产权赋予了音乐跨行业联系的能力,实现了跨行业的创意协同和创新,推动了经济增长。即使在我们不经意间,音乐和知识产权的节拍和节奏也始终存在于我们的生活中。Music permeates every sector, and IP fosters the presence of music beyond its own realm. From film, entertainment, and technology, to fashion, video games, and consumer goods, IP rights empower cross-industry connections with music, enabling creative synergies and innovation across sectors that fuel economic growth. Even when it's not on our minds, the beat and rhythm of music and IP are always present in our lives.2025年世界知识产权日突出强调了创造和创新如何在知识产权的支持下,保持音乐界的繁荣,使世界各地的每个人都能从中受益。今年的世界知识产权日邀请我们探讨知识产权和创新政策如何增强创作者、创新者和企业家的能力,为音乐产业带来新创意,保护词曲作者、作曲家、表演者以及所有那些为我们创作音乐的人的作品。World Intellectual Property Day 2025 highlights how creativity and innovation, backed by IP rights, keep a thriving music scene that benefits everyone, everywhere. This year’s World IP Day invites us to explore how IP rights and innovation policies empower creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs to bring fresh ideas to the music industry, safeguarding the work of songwriters, composers, performers, and all those who shape the music that moves us.在4月26日世界知识产权日这一天,我们要颂扬创作者、发明家和企业家的贡献,他们不断突破创新和创造的极限,创造出让人们走到一起、唤起强烈情感、推动变革并激发更具创新性未来的音乐。On World IP Day, April 26, we celebrate the contributions of creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs who are pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity to make music that brings people together, evokes powerful emotions, drives change, and inspires a more innovative future.加入#世界知识产权日#庆祝活动!让我们欢聚一堂,向通用的音乐语言致敬,向那些不断开发新声音、新风格和新技术的才华横溢的创作者、发明家和企业家致敬,他们塑造了音乐的未来,让我们感受到知识产权的节拍。Join the #WorldIPDay celebration! Let’s come together to honor the universal language of music and the talented creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs who continue to develop new sounds, styles, and technologies that shape the future of music and make us feel the beat of IP.